Our Services

Through our custom in-person events, unique online marketing packages and other content marketing programs reaching a 285,000 plus community of engaged senior-level executives, we provide you with compelling opportunities to gain the attention, trust and loyalty of your target audience.

Get your company name, brand message and unique “thought leadership” across to ExecuNet’s senior-level executive community through custom webinar presentations:

  • Interactive presentations enable you to educate senior-level executives with career and business challenges on how to overcome them.
  • Topics that appeal to executives include career transition; career management; buying, owning and/or running their own business; expanding leadership knowledge/skill building; and overall business improvement.
  • Webinars are hosted either by a senior member of the ExecuNet team or by an ExecuNet Sponsor looking to tap into our executive membership.
  • Deliver your research findings; distinguish your brand value; and introduce areas of “thought leadership” to generate interest and follow-up from attendees.

Create a company-specific Destination Page on ExecuNet’s proprietary website. This option offers multiple levels of competitive exclusivity. Members will be directed to your Destination Page to:

  • Learn more about your company and what it offers.
  • Read postings, research studies and testimonials from delighted clients.
  • Make contact and ask for a follow-up.

Sponsor ExecuNet’s existing research studies or use our membership for your own propriety research.

  • For over 20 years, ExecuNet has conducted executive-level research studies and published insightful results.
  • Our executive market intelligence provides critical insights to and is widely read by the executive community.
  • Conduct your own C-level research by accessing our engaged and targeted audience, plus get help with research design and delivery.

Sponsor one or more of our monthly in –person networking meetings currently being offered in over 30 North American cities.

  • Be introduced as a Sponsor and therefore as a “trusted ExecuNet business partner.”
  • Get to meet, speak and network with ExecuNet Members in a small and intimate setting.
  • Answer Member questions to help solidify your “thought leadership” and subject matter expertise.
  • Follow-up with “hand-raisers” who want to learn more about your company and how it can be of help.

Partner with ExecuNet to create introductory Member meetings between your company and our Members in key US cities. We will strategize and preplan together to help you:

  • Identify and invite 8-12 ExecuNet Members/potential prospects to attend your events.
  • Project manage, schedule and handle all logistics for these breakfast or dinner meetings.
  • Facilitate these meetings.
  • Provide agreed-to levels of post-meeting follow-up.
  • Achieve desired business results.

Companies looking to gain a major visibility boost and piggyback on ExecuNet’s reputation and access to hundreds of thousands of executive-level decision makers can now sponsor one or more of ExecuNet’s three major webinar series—Dave Opton’s bi-monthly 6-Figure Hotline; ExecuNet’s weekly LeadX Webinars and Q&As; ExecuNet’s weekly Career Webinar Series. Sponsorships are available on a quarterly or annual basis. As a sponsor of one of these series, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Have a Logo Banner Ad displayed on all announcements and communications sent to our members.
  • Be associated with the ExecuNet brand and have ongoing exposure to ExecuNet’s membership.
  • Get introduced and promoted to hundreds of attendees at each sponsored ExecuNet webinar.
  • Have your follow-up contact information made available to sponsored event attendees.

ExecuNet has long been a platform where business book authors increase their exposure to a targeted, affluent and engaged audience, by sharing thought leadership, print content and book excerpts. Through high-quality, multi-channel customized-content marketing packages, ExecuNet increases publisher/ author brand awareness, and drives engagement, consumption and calls-to-action. We also enable publishers to extend and more accurately target their marketing and publicity budgets. Authors enhance the value of a book’s messages and deepen relationships with a highly qualified audience.

As a part of this service offering:

  • Publishers/Authors will:
    • Engage/enlighten our Members by conducting one webinar/quarter during this agreement.
    • Drop questions that are relevant to the book’s subject matter into one of our executive communities inviting responses and discussion.
    • Monitor feedback, responses and activity, engaging in dialogue at your discretion.
  • ExecuNet will:
    • Provide one webinar opportunity per quarter and help with marketing and messaging.
    • Introduce a specific book to our executive membership, offering opportunities for purchase.
    • Curate, edit and package feedback so you have additional promotional material that includes executive-level insights.
    • Introduce “offers to purchase” throughout the author-to-membership engagement cycle.
    • Add a promo box/ad on ExecuNet’s Leadership Exchange, a destination home page within ExecuNet’s member site experience specifically devoted to in-role and senior-level business content.
    • Provide opportunities for blog posts of up to 500 words that can be submitted for publishing to ExecuNet’s Leadership Exchange, on topics related, but not limited to: Leadership, Strategy and Execution, Technology, Innovation, Leading Teams, and/or Marketing for Growth.
    • Display client’s book as part of a “recommended reading list” in prominent and relevant areas within the member site experience to help you gain additional exposure and promotion.

 BANNER LOGO ADS—Sponsors may display their company logo on targeted ExecuNet web pages as well as on ExecuNet Newsletters and mailings to over a million members and contacts. Your Banner Logo Ad will enable you to:

  • Dramatically increase brand awareness and name recognition within our community of senior executives
  • Brand your company and target/connect with senior-level executives who are looking to purchase services similar to what you’re offering.
  • Position you/your company as a “thought leader” in the area of ExecuNet’s corporate communications on which you choose to place your ad.

Are you looking for unique executive talent—leaders to run regional meetings; franchisees to buy businesses; individuals to participate in regional meetings, etc.? Partner with ExecuNet’s talented Concierge Service Professionals and we will identify and connect you with highly qualified ExecuNet members who meet/exceed your specifications. Targeted Outreach provides you with:

  • Exposure and name recognition within our private network of executives.
  • Direct access to specific ExecuNet members—the very ones you’ve been looking for.
  • A Personal Concierge to do the up-front outreach, manage all interested party inquiries and identify highly qualified candidates for your review.
  • A lower cost/higher quality alternative to “list buying” and/or other traditional search options.