In-Role Assistance


Moving Up The Career Ladder

You're happy where you’re working and all things being equal, would like to stay. But you also want to be noticed, recognized for doing great work and advance your career. Competing for and winning the "advancement race" often requires a personal marketing and sales strategy similar to finding a new job in a new company. You will need collateral to use during internal interviews. You might benefit from coaching to defeat your competition—internal and/or external. If you get the promotion, you're likely to need assistance negotiating your new package and onboarding into your new role. Depending on your unique set of needs, this coaching may only require a one-module commitment or it might take two, three or four coaching sessions—your needs, your choice.


Onboard To Success

Work with your coach to create an Onboarding Plan that ensures early success in your new role. You’ll map out an action plan to conduct an internal assessment of your new company and team, identify key players and form alliances, negotiate your first-year performance goals, make the right impressions on your new colleagues, and create a change strategy for areas that will require your immediate attention. Follow-up mini-coaching sessions at approximately 15, 30 and 45 days after assuming your new role are also available to help you to assess your progress and make adjustments to your Onboarding Plan as needed.